Red Tree Voles!
Oregon Coast Range – 10/2022
Have you ever heard of red tree voles? I first learned about these fabulous little fuzz balls in 6th grade, and I have been smitten with them ever since. This year I fulfilled a childhood dream, and spent a summer studying them in my home state…  Read More​​​​​​​
Small-mammal communities at Sagehen Creek Experimental Forest
Sierra Nevada – 8/2021
Sagehen Creek Experimental Forest is a collaborative research site between the University of California Berkeley and the U.S. Forest Service located in Tahoe National Forest. Like much of the Sierra Nevada, Sagehen was historically composed of a fairly open mixed-conifer forest…  Read More​​​​​​​
Avian and carnivore diversity in the Caples Watershed
Sierra Nevada – 8/2020
Wildfires are a natural part of forest lifecycles in the western United States, helping recycle nutrients, diversify forest structure, and even germinate seeds. However, climate change and a history of post-colonial fire suppression has resulted in increasingly large and destructive fires. To make forests more resilient to these destructive events, forest managers are increasingly...  Read More​​​​​​​
Host-symbiont relationships in tropical understory birds
Papua New Guinea – 8/2019
Ectosymbionts, from microscopic blood parasites to skin and feather mites, are hidden hitchhikers on every bird.  Often overlooked, there is a lot we don’t understand about the relationship between these passengers and their hosts. In 2019 I traveled to Papua New Guinea with collaborators...  Read More
Conservation in Tanzania 
Tanzania – 6/2019
A Photo Essay.  Read More
Giraffe herd behavior in the Tarangire-Manyara 
Tanzania – 6/2019
In 2019, I traveled to Tanzania with an Earlham study abroad program focused on animal behavior and conservation in the Tarangire region. Located in northern Tanzania, the greater Tarangire-Manyara ecosystem includes some of Tanzania’s best known wildlife hotspots...  Read More
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