What am I interested in? The short answer: everything! The world is a fascinating place, and I love exploring new questions.
Broadly, my curiosity leads me along two primary pathways:
Whacky & Wonderful Wildlife
I love exploring
how unique biological traits evolve within the broader ecological context. One area in particular that fascinates me is chemical defense -- understanding how animals contain and accumulate their toxin, as well as the subsequent physiological and evolutionary effects of doing so.
Human|Nature Coexistence
One of my driving motivators is understanding the ways we, as a species and society, interact with nature
as mediated through science, economics, and art. I seek to find ways we can strengthen our connections to the natural world. One avenue I’m exploring to begin answering these questions is understanding the responses of wildlife to large-scale human ecosystem change, such as wildfires or urbanization. 
I care more about the questions and intent of the project than the species or ecosystem being studied, and I enjoy being involved in every step of the scientific process -- from project development to field & laboratory research, from data management & statistical analysis through to publication & communication.
You can learn more about projects I've recently worked on in my field notes, and find my publications on Google Scholar.
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